Oct 9, 2007

Object System Issues

I have actually started hacking new object system for WINGs. The first thing I have noticed is that I don't want type tags to be dynamically allocated. It's very unclear when to destroy and free memory of such dynamic objects. Pointers to statically allocated objects should work as well.

It was excellent decision to start writing tests. The first thing I stepped on was dynamic type tags, and the second was lack of inheritance in C. WMRetainObject and WMReleaseObject functions now accept pointer to void type as argument as most generic type of pointers. There is no way to specify that function accepts pointers to objects only derived from WMObject structure. Now it is at least possible to use these functions without explicit type casts or some other ways to converting types.

I thought about where to start actually replacing current WINGs' objects with newer ones. It won't be PropLists. PropLists will be replaced almost at the end, just before I'll start hacking widgets. It won't be any of container types. All of them will be replaced little later. First two candidates for replacement is WMData and... strings. I choose to start with strings.

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