Oct 5, 2007


Nobody will argue that code needs testing. Testing can be performed in numerous ways. Sometimes testing is not enforced by project conventions (which happens at work mostly, because no-one is willing to spend time to create something that don't provide any cool features). In those projects I usually create bunch of files named a.c, b.c and so on in a root directory of a project. These are «tests». I compile and run them by hand. I never commit those files, and often forget what are they for. I'm always afraid to delete them by some mistake.

In my home projects I have a freedom to do whatever I want, including writing «useless» code solely for testing purposes. And I feel good. Whenever I want to know if my recent changes break something I can type «make sure» and check that everything is ok (or not ok :) ). I would like to do such things with WINGs too, but no-one before me cared to write any tests for WINGs. Few small programs in WINGs/Tests directory can't be counted as real tests. They're just like my ?.c files in projects at work with one small exception: they are commited in cvs.

I use cunit package to test the code written in C and valgrind to detect memory leaks. Usually, I just run cunit program under valgrind. I'm starting writing tests for parts of WINGs I touched. Tests won't be compiled by default. I don't want to force everybody to install cunit at their systems. To start testing go to WINGs/Tests directory and type «make sure».

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